Fishing for Lake Trout at Stannard Rock

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Stannard LighthhouseMyStdRockLakerStannard Rock lighthouse/reef has been on many fishermen’s bucket list to get the chance of landing a trophy lake trout. Sand Point Charters makes many tips there every summer and we have fulfilled this wish list of many adventurer’s. It’s still a great and fun place to visit and fish and everyone has a chance of landing that fish of a lifetime, but the average numbers and size has gone down as fishing pressures increase there.
Because of this, there are some charter operators (including me at SPC) limiting their client’s bag limit. We don’t want to contribute to the decline of this excellent fishery and hope that others will also refrain from taking the larger fish and even limit their take of the “good eating” size as well.
We’d still love to take you and your party there because the experience is truly a chance of a lifetime for many, so don’t hesitate to call and we can discuss the details.
Happy fishing!
Captain Brian

A lonely foggy day at the rock

A lonely foggy day at the rock

View  of reef surrounding Stannard Rock lighthouse

View of reef surrounding Stannard Rock lighthouse

Captain (my Deckhand for the day) Travis of St. Mary's Guide Service.

Captain (my Deckhand for the day) Travis of St. Mary’s Guide Service.


A close-up of the Stannard Rock lighthouse

A close-up of the Stannard Rock lighthouse


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About Brian Helminen

Brian is the owner and Captain of Sand Point Charters, LLC. They live on Lac La Belle in the summertime.

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