In preparing for the summer trolling for lake trout on Lake Superior, your tackle needs to be properly prepared. Get the proper sized snaps, bead swivels or bearing swivels to match your lures so that the action isn’t negatively affected. I’ve seen lots of “wrong-sized” and cheap, ineffective terminations over the years and using the proper ones will increase your strikes and catch rates. This is just one way to increase those rates…
Other important factors are
1. Good knots (see: Animated Fishing Knots)
2. Good, abrasion resistant fluorocarbon line sized right for your fishing intent. On my fishing charters, for line weight, I use 20lb fluorocarbon leader line and 17 to 25 lb mono on the trolling reels.
3. Reels with a good working, properly adjusted drag.
4. Medium to Medium-heavy rods. The length and stiffness depends on methods and species of fish targeted. Fishing stores can help with selections.
It’s below zero here today, and even Lake Superior is frozen over (mostly) and all I can do is dream and research about fishing until I can get out on the ice.
For other videos on fishing tips see my videos at: