My Wandering, Wondering Re-memories on Last Summer

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This past summer was another good charter fishing summer, catching quite a lot of salmon (both coho and kings) and even more lake trout. My season was a little interrupted by a construction project, but we still got out trolling and jigging in between.

Put a foundation in and added on.

Put a foundation in and added on.

Added 2nd story too!

Added 2nd story too!

A few trips to Stannard Rock and two awesome fishing trips to Isle Royale made it a memorable summer. Superior Shoals, in Canadian waters about 50 miles or so north-east of Copper Harbor, remains on my bucket list.
My favorite lures are still the Honeybees from Tamiron, but we still run a lot of flashers/flies. The king salmon will destroy the aluminum Honeybees, meaning they are sometimes only good for catching one fish, then swap in another new one. By the way, I just checked into ordering new Honeybee lures and their website is closed down. I still have about 100 or so, because I worked out a deal with the owner. (nope, they are NOT for sale.)

Grandson with Isle Royale Lake Trout

Grandson with Isle Royale Lake Trout

EJ with a nice Ilse Royale trout

EJ with a nice Ilse Royale trout

I caught a nice Coaster at the island too.

I caught a nice Coaster at the island too.

Over the past couple months, I’ve been wandering across the map – through the Great Lakes and down the river systems, and the mighty Mississippi to, and through New Orleans. Now we are heading for Texas along the intracoastal waterways, then hopefully back to Florida. I’m waiting until we get to Texas to do some fishing, otherwise I’d be buying a fishing license for every state.
If you are thinking about a fishing (or sightseeing) charter this summer, contact me soon to get on the schedule.

Captain Brian

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About Brian Helminen

Brian is the owner and Captain of Sand Point Charters, LLC. They live on Lac La Belle in the summertime.

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