Dock Building Project at Lac La Belle

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Dock project is moving along… have most of my lumber for decking and skirting and the stringers are cut, peeled and drying. I say MOST of the lumber, because I’m a little short of cedar decking.
On Tuesday, I Paul T. and I cut up about 40 logs, 1/2 cedar and 1/2 spruce with his portable Wood Mizer sawmill. the pile seemed pretty big to begin, but as the day progressed, I knew there would not be enough, so I spent some time cutting and skidding more trees with my wheeler. At the end of the day, there was not enough cedar, so I spent 1/2 of the day yesterday at work cutting and skidding the few trees that would be suitable for the balance of the dock.

By the way, last week, I cut my knee with my chainsaw and had to get it stitched up. Stitches are still in, but I think I’ll take them out tomorrow or Saturday. The Doc. said to come back to get them out after 10 to 14 days, but I’ve taken out stitches before and can do it again. Yesterday, while cutting a log, 20 feet long and 24 inches at the butt, it fell on my foot, smashing it against the ground. After 3 hard upward jerks on my leg I was able to get it out, but thought it may be broken. I dreaded going into the emergency room again, possible seeing the same doc that sewed my other leg last week, AND having no insurance made me even more reluctant. Feels pretty good today though, so I guess it must not be broken.

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About Brian Helminen

Brian is the owner and Captain of Sand Point Charters, LLC. He also owns and operates Designotype Printers, Inc. with his wife, Margaret. They have a cottage on Lac La Belle that can be rented by the week in the summertime.

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