This past summer was another good charter fishing summer, catching quite a lot of salmon (both coho and kings) and even more lake trout. My season was a little interrupted by a construction project, but we still got out trolling and jigging in between. A few trips to Stannard Rock and two awesome fishing trips […]
We're quite a catch!
– 3-time client, MikeMike and his crew after their day on the water. One Coho and lots of lake trout.
Thanks for the great charter. Will try to do again next year. Thanks to (deckhand) Doug as well.
– JimJim’s gang after the first day of fishing.
Brian – most appreciation from our entire family of fishers for the fine service and great experience. Max’s 8 pounder was exciting, but so was every smaller fish! You are a quality guy. Jack ain’t bad, either! Best regards to you and family
– Dane
Thank you! We loved our trip – more importantly, the groom loved the trip!
Back in the heat of Texas now, though
Missing that cool breeze off the top of Lake Superior.
– BobBob’s son with a nice Lake Trout. He later caught a small mouth bass in Lac La Belle.
Thanks so much for your time on Friday with my family giving them a great fishing experience. In my job role I work very closely with our safety department so I was very impressed with your safety orientation and explanation of all the safety features on the boat.
– Scott
Janice, Kathryn, and I truly enjoyed our fishing experience aboard the “Fishin Mission”. Definitely one of the highlights of our vacation. The salmon were great on the grill that evening.
– TimTim and Sharon with their limit of 10 fish for the day from Stannard Rock
Hi Brian! We had such a great time fishing last summer! Tim and I are looking ahead at our schedule and hoping to be able to book another trip with you! Sharon and I had one of the best times we have had for awhile. I shipped 30lbs of lake trout home and though they were frozen everyone had enjoyed some fantastic lake Superior lake trout. We have recommended your service to anyone who has been interested.
– RobPat and Rob with their catch
Just wanted to let you know I drove back a day early to use my day off to smoke the fish. I used a pickling spice brine overnight, let dry, and smoked at 180 deg. for 7 hours. An old captain in Grand Haven suggested a light brush of maple syrup just before done. The fish was fantastic! I can’t wait to share at work.
– CindyCindy’s Mother Helen with the biggest catch of the day… 13 pounds
We all enjoyed the time we spent out on the water. The fish tasted great and your son and you both were very enjoyable to be with. We will surely see you again next time we are up that way.
– Susan and MartinSusan Fighting a Laker
Great trip, hope to get back one of these years!
– Dan Langford (and his wife Ann who planned the surprise) - Pinckney, MichiganWow! What a way to celebrate my birthday! Couldn’t ask for better weather or a better fishing experience out at Stannard Rock. Not only did I catch the fish of a lifetime with that thirty-pound Laker, but diving off the boat at the lighthouse was the icing on the cake. Your pleasant personality, knowledge of the sport and the surrounding area, and many fish stories all helped to make the trip enjoyable – oh and I don’t want to forget the delicious smoked Lake Trout snack.
“Thanks Brian – for a great day of late September lake trout fishing. If you ordered the weather it could not have been better. Sunny skies and calm winds made for some comfortable time on the water. The Fishin’ Mission is a great boat to get out on Superior in and the lake trout were biting pretty good with several over 6 pounds. Mike was delighted with the catch – for him a first!
If you want an enjoyable fishing trip with a great guy, give Sand Point Charters a call and schedule some time with Captain Brian! Thanks again from both of us!”
Steve Williams
2024 – Up-coming Season and Update
I’m now scheduling fishing and sightseeing charters and my calendar is filling up for the summer. I’d love to take you out on a charter. If you want information about fishing in our great Lake Superior for Trout, Salmon, Steelhead, Browns or Splake, please email me, or give me a call, 906-370-2257. I have not […]

Ice Fishing (NOT) this Winter
With no ice on Lake Superior to go after Splake in Copper Harbor or Lake Trout on Keweenaw Bay I’m just looking forward to charter fishing this summer. In the meantime, I’ll be cruising (and hopefully fishing) down the East coast from North Carolina to Florida aboard the Yooper Too. I’ll be back in the […]

Fishing for Lake Trout at Stannard Rock
Stannard Rock lighthouse/reef has been on many fishermen’s bucket list to get the chance of landing a trophy lake trout. Sand Point Charters makes many tips there every summer and we have fulfilled this wish list of many adventurer’s. It’s still a great and fun place to visit and fish and everyone has a chance […]

Boat Up-grade
Home for Christmas and had some fun Family and games then had to run. To north Dakota to see a boat Lakes are frozen so not afloat. The fever was high but it’s just an expression I’m really not sick, they say, “an obsession.” A one-track mind’s not all that bad It’s actually quite normal, […]

2022 Season Up-date and Other IMPORTANT Stuff
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone out there! I hope you’re enjoying the winter wherever you are. I’m super excited about the coming 2023 season of trolling for lake trout and salmon. I am going to change it up a bit for my fishing and sightseeing charters in that I may not be […]

Up-coming Season and Poem – Almost Lost Prize
I’ve had a great winter aboard my Yooper Too (32 foot Nordic Tug trawler) and soon getting back to fishing here at home. Can’t wait to launch the boats and get out there! There’s a little work to do before we launch, in fact there’s still ice on Lac La Belle Here’s my most memorable […]

Trolling, Jigging and sightseeing lately on Lake Superior
Contrary to some peoples’ thinking, I am actively charter fishing and sightseeing here in the Upper Peninsula. Fishing out of Copper Harbor and Lac La Belle is as good or better than other seasons with some good numbers of trout, a few salmon and now steelhead and a brown trout. I had a slow start […]

Loooooong Over Due Up-date
You may think I have not been fishing with the pandemic going on, but the truth is, I’ve just been lazy about posting. Here is a little compilation of fishing picts and what we have been catching lately with our Lake Superior trolling. There has been a pretty good mix lately with our first Coho […]

Where Have I Been?
Some of my clients (and others) have been asking me, “where have you been, I haven’t seen a blog on your website in quite a while…” Charter fishing? No. trolling somewhere else for trout, salmon or? No. Well , the answer is, I’ve been busy preparing, repairing and cruising on my 38 foot Marine Trader, […]