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Fish Poem

If you want to catch some fish You can book a charter, you know But if you want advice Read the facts below Chinooks (or Kings) like early mornings When the light is dim Sunshine keeps their mouths shut Then the catch is slim If you troll for Lake Trout They like it slow and […]

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Fishing in the Keweenaw

Early in the season I pull out a few Splake From the Mendota Channel And some from in the Lake (Superior) Mid-summer Eagle Harbor Is the port to fish Where there’s Lake Trout in abundance To fulfill your wish At Stannard Rock it’s Lake Trout Though Coho Salmon sometimes are there And even an occasional […]

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My Routine & Lighthouses (Stannard Rock, Gull Rock and Manitou)

Wake up and start the coffee pot, pre-heat thermos, transfer soda pop, water and smoked fish to small cooler, put ice in fish cooler in case we keep fish to eat. Next, check the most recent weather forecasts and have breakfast while replying to emails and any text messages. A quick breakfast of eggs or […]

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Spring up-date

  I’ve only been on the water a 1/2 dozen times this season, fishing for splake, salmon, lake trout and browns… Copper Harbor is producing a few splake, although on the small side… in Keweenaw Bay we fished once a few weeks ago and we plowed through “night ice” for the first hour or so […]

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Great Loop, Trawler Re-store & Planning

With no blogs about our Great Loop adventure lately, one might assume the planning fell by the wayside. Not so! I’ve just been too enjoyably consumed with scraping, fixing, patching, gluing, sanding, painting, varnishing and buying supplies related to the above that it seems there’s no time left over. In fact, from the time I […]

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Trawler Re-store Up-date

My dream stays afloat As the winter flies by I think about boats While I stay warm and dry. Having just missed the tornadoes in New Orleans by one day, we are back in the snowy Keweenaw. M and I spent last weekend below sea level, and as she attended a three day printing conference, […]

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Coho Salmon – Superior

Where does the word “Coho” come from? It’s origin is un-known, but it is believed that it came from an American Indian language. The small Pacific Salmon that commonly grows to 25lbs in the ocean (called Silver Salmon in AK), only reaches an average size of a few pounds here in Lake Superior. They were […]

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My Recent Aquisition – “Great Looper” Boat

Recently, I mentioned that I made an offer on a trawler to be used for my Great Loop adventure. Well, I bought it… here is a picture… from a few years ago when it was in the water. It needs some TLC now, and I will be working on her in the spring.     […]

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Off Season Planning (Dreaming)

The Great Loop. ( From my Lac La Belle port, I would pass Stannard Rock lighthouse in Lake Superior, then cruise across to the St. Lawrence River, Under the Mackinaw Bridge,

The Big Mac from below.
The Big Mac from below.

down through Lake Michigan to the Chicago River, follow the Mississippi River to the Gulf of Mexico, go around Florida and head up the East coast (where there are plenty of lighthouses to be seen) and back into the Great Lakes.

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Favorite Pictures & Fun Times

What’s the best thing about being a fishing (and sightseeing) charter captain? It’s putting a smile on the faces of my customers that gives me the most satisfaction. Sure, there are challenges and not everything about working on the water would be considered “peaches and cream,” but it’s a great way to spend the summer! […]

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