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First 5 Fish = 5 Different Species! Coho, King Salmon, Brown Trout, Lake Trout then Steelhead.

“Wow, that’s 3 fish in less than an hour and all different species. Now we need a lake trout and we’ll have four!” I shouted as Jeff landed a 6 lb brown trout. The first fish was a Coho, then a King (Chinook) Salmon. I could hardly believe our luck, especially since we started fishing […]

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Lake Trout Tagging and How to Identify Planted Fish

Did you know that some of the lake trout we catch are planted and reared in a fishery? The Michigan DNR has been doing lake trout plantings from Copper Harbor and around the Upper and Lower Peninsula for many years. They also plant speckled trout, brown trout, steelhead and salmon. Here is an interesting video by […]

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Mystery Fish at Stannard Rock Lighthouse

By the number of posts on my website, you’d think I wasn’t even getting out fishing, but it’s been quite the opposite! I’ve been fishing a lot lately – and catching a pretty good mixed bag of Steelhead, Pink Salmon, Coho Salmon, Lake Trout, Splake and Browns. Monday, which was Independence Day, I started off […]

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Lake Trout of Lake Superior Clarified

I’d like to clarify some misinformation about lake trout species that I and others have believed, namely about the number of “species” of Lake Superior lake trout. Tom Rozich, in his DMG Outdoor Page column, August 2014 addresses this question very well and here is his article: An Age Old question and frequent topic of […]

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Early Season Fishing

If you are one of the brave and hardy fishermen who would like to fish for trout or salmon (or steelhead) as soon as the ice is out (I mean on the Great Lakes, since there is no closed season on Lake Superior in Michigan), how, or where do you find them? Where are the […]

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Honeybee Lure – Trout, Salmon, Steelhead

Check out this new lure, the Honeybee by It’s an aluminum body lure which is very light weight, so it starts to have decent action at a very low speed and still behaves very well at higher speeds over 3 mph – maybe even higher, but I don’t troll much faster than that anyway. […]

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Trolling Down Under (Nicaragua)

We arose at 4:30 am on the morning of the fishing outing and paid $5 ($140 Cordoba with a 28 to 1 exchange rate) for 3 cups of instant coffee, which surprised me that in a country where they grow coffee beans, it’s hard to find a good cup of coffee (but that’s another story).

We were to be picked up at 5 am, but waited until 5:40 (Not surprising because Central America has no concept of time – yet another story) before our fishing adventure began.

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Dreaming – The American Great Loop

I often ask myself “what if…” and then insert some goal or desire I may have. For example, “what if we sold our printing business?” I’m sure I’d do more charter fishing. (See our printing business here) Recently I received a gift from one of my Keweenaw sightseeing clients. It’s a book titled “Bring Your […]

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Driving on the Ice and Fishing AK

“The days are short in December here in Alaska,” my son said as we prepared our ice gear for lake trout fishing for the next day. “We need to leave here by 6 am in order to have a decent day’s fishing before the sun sets.” In Anchorage, the sky starts to get light around […]

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Aquaculture in the Great Lakes? What Next?

As a charter fisherman and a long-time resident of the Great Lakes area, which includes Lake Superior, Lake Michigan and Lake Huron, I am concerned with Michigan’s lawmakers apparent support of this kind of business in our pristine waters. Consider these Environmental Concerns: Drugs added to the fish pens Fish are raised in crowded pens, […]

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