Building cribs for a dock at Lac La Belle

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Enjoying the weather lately at Lac la Belle whole building a new dock for my new boat, the “FishinMission.”
My boys, Wally and I cut trees from out property last winter and had planned to build on the ice before it melted, but spring weather came earlier than expected. My plan was to get rock brought in by truck in the winter, but just when I was about to order it, the spring break-up season began with road restrictions. Now we have to adjust our plans and build from in the water until the stringers are in place, then use temporary decking to wheel the rock to the cribs. Not a big deal though, it will still be completed in time for the boating season. There is still a lot of ice on the inland lakes and looks like there will be for another week or so.
Now I hope to get these cribs in place by borrowing rock from the existing cribs and replace it when I can get more rock… around the end of April.
By the way, these logs are not yet fastened together, just sitting there, so we will dis-assemble them, haul to the lake and re-assemble in the water. Originally, I had planned to slide them to the lake on skis, which are fastened to the bottom of the logs and will be permanently there, to be buried forever under the cribs.

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About Brian Helminen

Brian is the owner and Captain of Sand Point Charters, LLC. He also owns and operates Designotype Printers, Inc. with his wife, Margaret. They have a cottage on Lac La Belle that can be rented by the week in the summertime.

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