Smoking Lake Trout, Coho Salmon and Steelhead

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Taking a day off to smoke some fish. My smoker is a propane fired, 4 rack box with a small chip box to create smoke from apple chunks. You can see the wood pieces on the top. I use only one slice of wood, or only enough to fill the small chip box once, to make smoke for only about 1/2 hour of the 2 hour long process. I keep the temperature at 190 or below for the whole time. Th fish is brined with salt, brown sugar, lemon juice and some spices. Most of this fish is lake trout, but I have a piece of Halibut and some Alaskan Coho Salmon.
Also shown is my vacuum packer and a couple of samples ready for freezing and later consumption.

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About Brian Helminen

Brian is the owner and Captain of Sand Point Charters, LLC. They live on Lac La Belle in the summertime.

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