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Thanks to those who have purchased my Finn Action Lures at the Marquette Sport show recently.

I discovered that my test tank water speed was not in calibration. The speed was actually slower than I previously measured with my speed probe… My speed probe was about 1/2 mile per hour off, which means many of the lures sold had TOO MUCH BEND in them causing them to spin at a much lower speed. (A constant spin is NOT desirable)

They will still work well for a very slow troll of 1.2 mph to about 1.8 mph, but if you like to troll over that, they should be fixed, or replaced.

The good news is that it’s very easy to fix. Just lay the lure on a table so that the “cupped” side is down (hump up) and push down with about 11 to 20 pounds of force. Then test in the water when at trolling speed to verify that it’s not a constant spin. When acting properly, your rod end should be pulsating slightly as the lure does it’s thing.

I would be happy to do this for anyone, or exchange them for new ones. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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About Brian Helminen

Brian is the owner and Captain of Sand Point Charters, LLC. He also owns and operates Designotype Printers, Inc. with his wife, Margaret. They have a cottage on Lac La Belle that can be rented by the week in the summertime.

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